Meet the team

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Jake Lake

I have worked as a support worker with young people in care for 7 years, produced short films and coordinated art exhibitions and events with care leavers, which has given me the insight into the powerful transformative potential of creativity. These experiences have enabled me to both identify the shortfalls in how young people are represented in the system, and given me the tools and contacts to be able to facilitate an effective radical space for young people in care to be listened to by those in power.


Joy Millani

Is an activist for care leavers. She grew up in foster care and is now using her experience as a way to empower other young people to rise above their circumstances. Joy has a passion for the arts, media and film industry and hopes to use these platforms to take a stand for young people in care. Joy works closely with Jake on projects related to care leavers, such as the ‘Transforming Care’ podcast.

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Rachel McKail

Having personal experience of accessing mental health services and working within them, I want to change the way that services work and the narrative about mental distress, so that we don't locate problems in people but in wider social, political and economic inequality. I see community empowerment, policy & systems change and reducing social inequality as the solutions to supporting psychological wellbeing.