We have started a new Arrestee Support fund for all the unleashed dogs and autonomous militants who are in trouble with the law. 

It's important to look after each other in real, radical and autonomous ways, especially in the era of "professional activism" where direct action gets distorted and commercialised into a game of odds ("wait, is that actually making any difference?!"), and where the "activist" becomes a waged professional supported by huge centralised hierarchical organisations acting like finance centres.

Collective joy is something that is so important to experience, and can sometimes be lacking in communities of activism and direct action, and we believe that it is important to approach our social lives with as much care and consideration as our lives in movements or as activists. With this in mind we will be throwing parties and events (information below) to raise money for the fund every few months: providing super tasty food,  drinks at popular prices, and most importantly music; live electronic music, instrumental music and DJs. Get in touch if you want to play!

We'll also be hosting infoshops, merch stalls and and some DIY creations: ALL money goes the fund.

If you are a fellow arrestee and need financial, as well as other types of support, do get in  touch so we can meet over a coffee to have a chat and see what the best way to help you could be. In the meantime, check out the super legit comrades from Green & Black Cross as well as ACAB (Activist Court Aid Brigade) who have long been helping us to keep our shit together.




London Action Resource Centre

62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel


On the 25th February Autonomous Media London and collective crews launched the UNLEASHED DOGS arrestee support fund for a comrade facing 10 years in prison after allegedly being involved in the disruption of the building of a border wall between Italy and Austria. We needed to raise the funds for the lawyer so we threw a party, and it worked! We hit our target, we had a proper good time, and we might have accidentally all learnt something!?! 

We will be throwing more events in the future so KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED!